Friday 15 June 2018

Coach status!

Coaches A and D just caught the earlier ferry and are likely to reach school around 8.  Coaches B and C are still waiting to board the 18:50 ferry and it is 19:00.  We will start that phone chain at Dover to good a better ETA.  Pupils gently chatting and playing!  Oh.... Here we boarding!

Waiting in Calais

Waiting in Calais

Waiting in Calais

Jake and crab!

Apprentice goatherds

Enjoying the Normandy countryside

At the market

Jumping coach C

Joe, Max and baguettes

Henry, Jacques and goat

Coach C baking bread

Coach C in the countryside

Coach C in Bayeux

Coach A take a last stop visit to the picturesque town of Honfleur before heading for Calais

Le pont de Normandie

Happy pupils

Coach B representative at the cider farm

Coach D in Honfleur

Le château à Ma Normandie

Home for our wonderful parent helpers over the last week.  They have been brilliant... Willing to turn their hand to anything... mobile phone guardians, refuse collectors and games hosts!

Nos chalets

Chalets at Ma Normandie... Home for some of us last week!

Coach D having breakfast today

Thursday 14 June 2018

Coach A photos taken during waiting time between trips - credit to Miss Telford for her wonderful Samsung phone with the camera in ‘portrait mode’!

Sam and Ben Coach D

Meeting up with friends from other coaches on Wednesday

Coach A visits a biscuit factory

Ceci n'est pas un magicien!

Jacques shows us his magic potion to make cheese...not a want but Rennet.  We discovery that the pupils do not know the rhyme about Little Miss Muffet which includes the word whey....

A much loved dog!

The process of making cheese

Rennet + milk + fat + salt

Salt makes the croûte.

3 types of cheese. Fresh, medium, mature.
1 week to make 1 cheese.
Compare parmesan which takes much longer.

He sells cheese in the market and on Thursday afternoon at a farm market.  Not sold at the hypermarket.

Coach D

Coach D

Coach D: Longues Sur Mer

Coach D at the biscuiterie

Coach status!

Coaches A and D just caught the earlier ferry and are likely to reach school around 8.  Coaches B and C are still waiting to board the 18:50...